Why Join?
TravelPony.com is a way to give your audience the best deals on hotel rooms. By placing our ads and links on your site, you will have the opportunity to offer your users the following:
- Access to incredible hotel rates that you won’t be able to find anywhere else.
- Top destinations around the world and expanding weekly
- Top quality customer service: We have great access to self-service, and someone friendly to talk to 24 hours a day. Also, we have direct relationships with all of our thousands of hotels and always make sure customers are satisfied.
What do we offer you?
- A high conversion rate: Referred traffic is converting at 7.5%
- 40 return days: We want to reward you for your all the business you send our way
- Access to all of TravelPony’s latest banners, buttons, text links, regular updates, updated deals, and customer support
- Extremely competitive commission on products that convert
What can you earn?
By participating in our affiliate promotion you will receive a 6% commission on bookings through your site. The average booking per lead is $350. That's $21 per lead!
The promotional period is through 9.15.2013
Where do you sign up?
We use two of the leading affiliate networks. Create/sign into your account and search for TravelPony
Please contact a friendly steed at affiliate@travelpony.com